samedi 19 avril 2014

Marrakesh Encore

     Warning:  Do not go to Djemaa el Fna (the main square of Marrakesh) at nighttime if you suffer from all or any of the following:  agoraphobia, claustrophobia, ophidiophobia, acoustiophobia, xenophobia, amathophobia, androphobia, nyctophobia, islamophobia, moluscphobia, arsonphobia, xenoglossiophoba or cibophobia.  Wow . . . this place is not for the faint of heart.  The square becomes a mass of people . . . with bizarre goings-on everywhere.  Major sensory overload.
     First we went up to a terrace surrounding the square and took in the view below:
Rooftop View with Seething Masses Below

     Then we decided to brave it, and plunged in at ground level.  We had a good meal at one of the food stalls and wandered about some before the crush of humanity became a bit too much for the youngest of our party. 
Snail Soup Stall

Before Nightfall Upon First Entering the Square
We had a memorable taxi ride to our riad, marked by firm bargaining for the fare ("how much you pay?" demand the taxi drivers, "this little taxi -- I mean BIG taxi!").  The traffic was nuts and we collapsed into bed at about midnight.
     The following day we were on our own, and spent the day touring Marrakesh . . . returning to Djemma el Fna, seeing one of the main minarets up close, and wandering through the vast souks.  A small sample of the day's adventures follow:

Tonight, Ford and Ed will again brave Djemma el Fna.  And tomorrow, it's across the Atlas Mountains and on to Ait Bennhadou!

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