mardi 15 avril 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

     Actually, there's nothing much going on. And that's just the way we like it. 

     On Monday, Asha went to school with Camille (she gave a presentation on Seattle to the English class).  On Tuesday, both Ford and Asha went to school.

     Ed and Averil filled the day with fun little tasks that would be mundane at home but are oh-so-exciting when you're in France.  Plus, we visited some friends:

     Ed went to Nyons (twice) to lift and visit his friend Serge (proprieter of the only gym around and one of the few competitive bodybuilders in this part of France).  Serge says his maison is Ed's maison.  That's really nice.  Here's a picture of Ed and Serge:

     We went to the bank to pick up some checks.  Would they have the checks we had ordered?  Averil gave it 70/30 odds.

     They DID have the checks!

     Then we posted a letter:

     After that, Averil made a rendezvous for Asha and Ford to have their hair cut in the morning:

    When that was over, we bought a flowering plant for an ill neighbor:

     At the market, we ran into Bibi and Collette -- farmers who live just outside of town.  Bibi says he once ran over Collette with a tractor, but that it was an accident.

     Also, we dropped in on our friends Laurent and Anne (who have a fantastic B&B in town).  Surprise!  (Oh sure, we'll stay for coffee):

     Whew, what a day! 

     Tonight we'll go to dinner in the nearby town of Malaucene.  And tomorrow it's Morocco by way of an afternoon flight from Marseille to Casablanca.  Don't worry . . . we ARE getting on that plane!


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